Module #10 Assignment
Module 18 Assignment 9.1 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Regression Coefficients: To conduct an ANOVA and interpret the coefficients for the model using the "cystfiber" data, use: if (!exists("cystfiber")) { data("cystfibr") } model <- lm(formula = spemax ~ age + weight + bmp + fev1, data = cystfiber) anova_result <- anova(model) print(anova_result) coefficients(model) If the "cystfibr" data hasn't previously been loaded, this code loads it first. We then used the above formula to fit a linear regression model. To perform an ANOVA and present the findings, we utilize the anova function. Lastly, we use the coefficients function to print the regression coefficients. 9.2 Analysis of Log-Transformed Data and Regression Coefficients: To analyze log-transformed data ad regression coefficients, you can log-transform the birth weight, as well as the abdominal and biparietal diameters, from the "secher" data. if (!exists("sec...