LIS 4370: Module # 8 Input/Output, string manipulation and plyr package
Module # 8 Input/Output, string manipulation and plyr package Effective data manipulation and analysis approaches are demonstrated by R code, which provides a comprehensive solution for handling datasets. It starts by utilizing the read.table() API to let the user import any dataset they want. The code computes the average grade for every gender category by utilizing the plyr package, and then stores the results in a new dataframe. Next, using the write.table() function, the outcomes are recorded to a CSV file called "Sorted_Average.csv". Furthermore, the code effectively uses the grepl() and subset() functions to filter the dataset such that it only keeps the items whose names begin with the letter 'i,' regardless of case. Users can then access a refined dataset that meets particular criteria by writing the filtered subset that was produced to a different CSV file called "DataSubset.csv." With a focus on readability and modularity, this code embodies a so...