Hands-On Assignment 2


Defining Social Media

Media in itself is the main means of mass communication of where digital content is gathered, whether that be broadcasting, publishing, or sources throughout the internet. Social networking involves the particular sources or platforms that allow users to interact with others that hold similar interests. Currently, I tend to use Instagram and Twitter has my main social networking sites, where my main purpose of use is for social networking (interests) and entertainment respectively. Instagram is particular is an app where I share many photos or videos of experiences I have around the world, and I use what I post to try and find others who have also done the same, while Twitter is an app that I will use primarily to keep up with world events, sports entertainment, pop culture, etc. I tend to use both of these apps daily. Additionally, I occasionally use Facebook Marketplace to find things people might be selling, or sell something myself. Though I do not use this as often, I think it is a nice tool to use when I fell like shopping every now and then.

Using social media helps me connect with others in ways that I would never have imagined. With myself specifically, I fell that Twitter helps me understand others opinions' in comparison with my own, and Instagram helps me understand the way other people express their personal experiences. Social media gives me a sense of community, whether that be between my friends, family, or others throughout the world. 


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