My Thoughts on Social Media: LJ1
The Basics of Social Media.
The Do's and Don'ts:
There are numerous rules to be aware of when interacting with social media. One important thing I always remember when putting myself out there is to always be yourself. There are 8 billion of us on the planet and over half of that population uses social media, so no two users are going to have the exact same personality and live the exact same life. Everyone is different and diversity within expression is what makes social media attractive. Don't be afraid to express yourself, whether that be your beliefs, experiences, or lifestyle.
At the same time, do not assume that other people you may see or meet on social media are authentic. Just like phishing calls or e-mail scams, social networking platforms that offer to link people from the same school, business, or community may establish a user profile pretending to be someone else. It's important to not post any personal information that could lead someone to you outside of social media. Be careful with who you choose to add as a friend or a contact, as there may be instances where you won't truly know who that person is.
Social Media Behavior:
Back in the early days of social media, I mostly stuck with the early versions of apps that I use today: Instagram and Twitter. I still tend to have the same variety of posts that I do now, mostly vacation photos, family events, and fun personal experiences. Personally, I feel that social media today compared to back then has changed drastically, with most posts nowadays usually only involving repetitive content. Social media has an influence closely relating to that of a popularity contest where people try to show off how nice their life is. While that may not necessarily be completely toxic, it shows what modern culture, especially youth culture, tends to value most. If I could go back, I wish I would've taken advantage of where social media was at the time, when social media was actually used for documenting daily/weekly experiences more than just going to the beach or a night at the club.
When it comes to social media and self-expression, selfies, and overall online image, I feel that it can positively benefit the self-esteem of an individual who desires introduce themselves to a world outside of their own when done correctly. If you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others, social media can turn into a very toxic trait to have. I find rules and criteria to posting another positive thing about social media, as it filters out any content that the majority of users may find disturbing or inappropriate to put on a certain platform. Finally, I believe everyone at some point should take a break or even quit from social media. If at any point it becomes exhausting or even depressing to look at social media, it's best to turn it off and focus on something else.
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