Assignment 3: Time Diary
Twitter Time Diary Saturday February 18: 11:30 am - 38 minutes- watching and scrolling through posts, photos, and videos on the home feed Sunday February 19: 12 pm - 25 minutes- watching and scrolling through posts, photos, and videos on the home feed 3:30 pm - 5 minutes- responding to Twitter DM's 10:30 pm - 10 minutes- watching and scrolling through posts, photos, and videos on the home feed Monday February 20: 11:30 am - 15 minutes- watching and scrolling through posts, photos, and videos on the home feed. did not have as much time today as I had things to do 4:00 pm - 17 minutes- checking DM's and scrolling through feed Tuesday February 21: 9:15 am- 10 minutes- briefly watching and scrolling through posts, photos, and videos on the home feed as I wake up 3:30 pm- 25 minutes- checking DM's watching and scrolling through posts, photos, and videos on the home feed 10 pm - 25 minutes- watching and scrolling through posts, photos, and videos on the home feed My most us...