Assignment 3: Time Diary
Twitter Time Diary
Saturday February 18:
11:30 am- 38 minutes- watching and scrolling through posts, photos, and videos on the home feed
Sunday February 19:
12 pm- 25 minutes- watching and scrolling through posts, photos, and videos on the home feed
3:30 pm- 5 minutes- responding to Twitter DM's
10:30 pm- 10 minutes- watching and scrolling through posts, photos, and videos on the home feed
Monday February 20:
11:30 am- 15 minutes- watching and scrolling through posts, photos, and videos on the home feed. did not have as much time today as I had things to do
4:00 pm- 17 minutes- checking DM's and scrolling through feed
Tuesday February 21:
9:15 am- 10 minutes- briefly watching and scrolling through posts, photos, and videos on the home feed as I wake up
3:30 pm- 25 minutes- checking DM's watching and scrolling through posts, photos, and videos on the home feed
10 pm - 25 minutes- watching and scrolling through posts, photos, and videos on the home feed
My most used app on my phone is Twitter. I do not have have a preference though I mainly stick to either my iPhone or PC. I primarily use the app when I wake up in the mornings, periodically throughout the day, and before I go to sleep. I do not believe that the time in this semester will affect how much time I spend on the app or how I use it.
The tools available on Twitter, such as the search bar, help to find news stories or information on real world events that are documented very well. There are certain times where I find something funny on Twitter that I will comment on it or retweet it to my account page. This is where I communicate with people, outside of using Twitter's digital messaging tool, which I use to message my friends.
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