LIS 4317: Module #13 Assignment


Module 13 Assignment

A powerful visual representation of random sampling from a uniform distribution is provided by the animation produced with the animation package and the R programming language. The animation shows a plot of ten randomly selected values from the uniform distribution in each frame. The y-axis boundaries are always set between 0 and 1 to facilitate comparisons. As the animation goes on, viewers will be able to see how the generated numbers are distributed randomly and with variability; some frames show clustered dots, while others show a more scattered distribution. An interactive and dynamic element can be added to presentations, blog posts, or instructional materials by saving the animation as a GIF. This makes it easily shareable and a useful tool for presenting ideas connected to random sampling. 

The plot() method is used to create scatter plots, and the Sys.sleep() function adds a little delay between frames to make sure the animation is visible. The code uses a loop to generate each frame. Finally, to make sharing and distribution of the visual presentation simple, the animation is saved as a GIF file using the saveGIF() function. The concept of random sampling is clearly communicated by this straightforward yet powerful animation, which also improves R data display.


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